Bloated faggot loser Tom Doran. In the “Locked-Fucked” category where it wanted to be all along… with Blackout posts… permanent humiliation. Easy to find a zillion links of this obese POS degenerate clown! Extend as often as possible.
Was outed as gay in the workplace in 1998 by a woman it was dating... called it a faggot and a limp wristed beta pussy. Needed to meet a REAL man.
Faggot got hard hearing this.
Teased as a sissy faggot gay called names all the time. No friends... a pathetic loser outcast. Keep extending until Delayed info 3.
Cell - 716-254-0184 text only... LOCAL FAGGOTS AND SISSIES ONLY! .... if you want your cock smoked, if you want to fuck me in the ass, text me. Pictures of my humiliation are mandatory to be posted online with my name in captions. Condoms are greatly discouraged. Needing full humiliatoin and permanent exposure.
Expires in :
14 years, 5 months, 6 d, 21 h, 7 m, 47 s
delicious!! extended again!
extended of coruse!