As regular member you have 1 field you can add secret info and select how many extensions needed before its revealed on the post!
As upgraded member you get 3 fields that will reveal one after the other how you choose. with the 3rd field ALSO having an image to be revealed. Could be your passport or something scary
you can enter your address here maybe. then to the right put how many ext before this info is revealed.
you can enter your phone # here maybe. then to the right put how many ext AFTER the first info before this info is revealed.
So If I put 5, that means the the second info reveal will come 5 ext AFTER the first reveal. So total of 10 ext
you can enter your REAL NAME here maybe. then to the right put how many ext AFTER the first info before this info is revealed. So If I put 5, that means the the second info reveal will come 5 ext AFTER the second reveal. So total of 15 ext
You can ALSO add an Image to be revealed here! Maybe pic of your ID
what is the blackout page ?..
This is a fantastic addition.
Looking good
wow! Scarier than ever, but sooooo enticing….
Very cool
such a great idea!
Looks like a fantastic idea Mistress Nikki xxx
Omg yess! That’s amazing! Name and address seems natural to reveal like that!
That’s a great idea Miss Nikki! x
awesome, try it out sissy